Results reporting

From voter registration to results reporting, election officials build and implement comprehensive processes that are the foundation for the voting experience. Whether a voter is registering to vote, casting their ballot, or checking election results, delivering an exceptional voter experience is an opportunity to build confidence in the integrity of election administration.
Your election office accurately and promptly reports election results to keep the public informed. To achieve this standard:
- You have procedures in place to ensure the accuracy of results reported.
- You make unofficial election results available within a reasonable timeframe after voting locations close and share regular updates throughout the canvass period.
- You communicate the status of ballots yet to be verified and counted, as well as the timeline for counting ballots and certifying official results.
- Your results are shared in an accessible format that is easy for the public to find, understand, and use.
- You have an alternate method for sharing results in the event that your usual communication channels are not usable.
- You proactively educate the public, candidates, and media about when and where results will be reported, the difference between official and unofficial results, and when results will be final.
Why this standard matters
It is important that we are explicit about the underlying why for each standard. While not attached to measurements, the intended impact of an election department achieving this standard is that:
- Election departments build credibility with the public through timely results reporting.
- Voters feel informed and confident when they receive timely, accurate, and comprehensive information about results and ballots still to be counted.
- The public will have accurate and up-to-date information on the status of election results.