Voter registration rolls

From voter registration to results reporting, election officials build and implement comprehensive processes that are the foundation for the voting experience. Whether a voter is registering to vote, casting their ballot, or checking election results, delivering an exceptional voter experience is an opportunity to build confidence in the integrity of election administration.
Your election office manages voter registration records with attention to accuracy and timely processing. To achieve this standard:
- You have documented data entry procedures and quality control methods to ensure accurate entry of and updates to voter data.
- You promptly process voter registration applications and updates.
- You update records using all reliable and permitted methods to identify records no longer valid due to death, change of address, or other statutory reasons.
- You conduct identity validation using state and federal sources to validate unmatched records and to flag or exclude records where matches cannot be made.
- You notify voters of their registration status and help them correct any issues with their registration.
- You accurately match the addresses connected to voters’ records to their assigned districts and precinct.
- You prevent duplicate records by recognizing new applications that match existing records, including accounting for name changes and multiple name formats.
- You conduct an independent process review of your voter registration list maintenance practices to verify accuracy and improve procedures.
- You educate voters on how to register to vote, update and verify their registration information, and how voter rolls are maintained.
Why this standard matters
It is important that we are explicit about the underlying why for each standard. While not attached to measurements, the intended impact of an election department achieving this standard is that:
- Election departments will experience a smooth Election Day because accurate voter rolls support an efficient and convenient voter check-in process.
- Voters feel confident that they will be able to cast their ballots with ease when their registration is promptly and accurately processed.
- Voters will have the opportunity to vote on all the offices and issues within their districts and precinct.
- The public will feel confident in the integrity of the election process because accurate voter rolls deter fraud and ensure only eligible voters cast their vote.