Mail ballots

From voter registration to results reporting, election officials build and implement comprehensive processes that are the foundation for the voting experience. Whether a voter is registering to vote, casting their ballot, or checking election results, delivering an exceptional voter experience is an opportunity to build confidence in the integrity of election administration.
Your election office has a clear and efficient system for processing mail ballots. To achieve this standard:
- You have the equipment and staffing to support timely processing of mail ballot applications and ballots.
- Your mail ballot envelope design uses principles of plain language and information design.
- You mail the correct ballots to eligible voters in a timely manner.
- You provide voters with convenient, secure, and accessible options to return their ballots.
- You proactively manage relationships with the postal service and any vendors involved in your process to ensure mail ballot operations run smoothly.
- You have a ballot tracking method that allows voters to know when their ballot has been mailed to them, when it has been received by your office, and when it has been accepted.
- You have a process to validate envelopes and reject invalid envelopes, and where curing is permissible, you notify voters of their options within 24 hours and follow-up through multiple methods of notice if the voter is not reached.
- You ensure observers have appropriate access for meaningful observation, and you provide resources for them to build an understanding of mail ballot operations.
- You communicate deadlines and requirements for voters to cast their mail ballot and educate voters on mail ballot operations.
Why this standard matters
It is important that we are explicit about the underlying why for each standard. While not attached to measurements, the intended impact of an election department achieving this standard is that:
- Election departments will be prepared to accurately and quickly process mail ballots requested and received.
- Election departments will ensure all valid ballots are counted.
- Voters will understand how to accurately request, complete, and return their mail ballot.
- Voters will feel confident their mail ballot has been counted and will feel trust in the voting process.