Our Community
The Alliance is designed by local election officials, for local election officials.

Make improvements. Tell your story. Advance the field. Together.
The Pathfinder Cohort
Building upon the success of its inaugural cohort, the Alliance is excited to announce the launch of the second cohort of Centers for Election Excellence – the Pathfinders!
The first cohort drafted the voluntary, nonpartisan Values and Standards for Election Excellence. At a high level, the values lay out a shared vision for how local election offices across the country can aspire to excellence while the standards concretely define what excellent election administration looks like in practice.
But what happens now that the standards are drafted?
That’s where the second cohort comes in! Election offices in the Pathfinder Cohort will focus on researching what it takes to achieve the standards and chart pathways for the field. They’ll help deepen understanding of what resources are required to run excellent elections, how much excellent election administration costs, and how achieving excellence impacts voters. And they’ll be first in line to pursue official recognition through the Alliance certification platform.
The cohort will make improvements in their offices, tell the stories of their work, and advance the field of election administration. Together.
Election Office Benefits
As a cohort member, your office will make a commitment to the Alliance nonpartisan value of continuous improvement. This means you pursue opportunities to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of election operations.
But you don’t have to go at it alone. Through the Alliance, your office will have access to a nonpartisan network of other election offices and subject matter experts across the country who are equally committed to continuous improvement.
The cohort is designed to support election offices in achieving your defined goals. For example, is your election office prioritizing:
- putting more robust emergency plans in place?
- making the case to your decision makers that you need additional funding?
- building a better poll worker training program?
If these are the types of improvements you plan to make in your election office, the cohort is here to support you.
Voter Benefits
As a cohort member, your office will make a commitment to the Alliance nonpartisan value of voter-centricity. This means you deliver excellent service to make voters feel confident as they participate in the democratic process. For example, when your election office:
- puts robust emergency plans in place, you’ll be able to meet voting deadlines and serve voters’ needs when faced with emergencies.
- makes the case for additional funding, you’re playing an active role in setting your office’s budget to match the needs and priorities of voters in your jurisdiction.
- leads an excellent poll worker training program, voters will interact with poll workers who are helpful, knowledgeable, and who build their confidence in the election process.
Apply to join today!
Cohort snapshot
Pathfinder Cohort
18-month term
Researching different pathways to achieve voluntary, nonpartisan standards
Cohort Size
75 election offices
Subcohort Size
11 subcohorts with 5-10 election offices each
Membership fee
Basic: $600 (one sub-cohort)
Standard: $1,085 (two sub-cohorts)
Premium: $1,600 (three sub-cohorts)
Where permissible by law, scholarships are available to cover the membership fee.
Grants not available
Election administration is a team sport, so the cohort membership is for the entire election office, not just the leadership. With the approval of office leadership, middle managers, warehouse workers, and frontline staff are encouraged to participate as the cohort programming relates to their responsibilities.
Inaugural Cohort of Centers for Election Excellence